Piglet gut health – Insights and measurement
Piglet gut health - insights and measurement What is gut health? In recent years, there has been an increase of the number of studies that define what [...]
Responsible use of antibiotics in pig production – new recommendations from the FAO
Responsible use of antibiotics in pig production – new recommendations from the FAO Antibiotic resistance – when antibiotics stop functioning – is threatening millions of human lives and [...]
Six Sigma strategy, key for continuous process improvement
Six Sigma strategy, key for continuous process improvement Many methodologies have emerged throughout the history of quality, being a result of a change of their own focus. [...]
New Animal Health Law in force supports the “One Health” focus.
New Animal Health Law in force supports the "One Health" focus Greater control of diseases in livestock farms Prevent the spread of viruses to humans This Wednesday, [...]
Adverse reactions to veterinary drugs decreased in 2020 in Spain
Adverse reactions to veterinary drugs decreased in 2020 in Spain according latest report of AEMPS According to the latest report published by the Spanish Agency for Medicines [...]
Interpreting Results of Scientific Articles
Interpreting results of Scientific Articles Article published in AviNews | Also available in In 2017, Bradbury et al. published an article in Animal Production Science, number 57, pages [...]
What is the role of the CROs in the industry?
What is the role of the CROs in the industry? Contract Research Organizations (CROs) play a key role in the development of clinical research due to their [...]
Welcome to our new Website!
Welcome to our new Website! More than 20 years leading projects and taking care of the animals. Tests and Trials. We are very pleased to invite all [...]
Blockchain technology: unstoppable in the poultry sector in Spain
Blockchain technology: unstoppable in the poultry sector in Spain Blockchain technology revolutionized how processes are carried out, now more digitalized and traceable. But how does it work? [...]